Must have additions to your morning routine!


You're either a morning person...or you're not. It's a curse for many of us that life starts from around 6am, and so here we are up at 6, 7 (and if you;re lucky 8) and for those who are morning's a lot easier than for someone like me, who bathes, lives, and worships sleep. This is no exageration.

Although I hate the mornings, it's possibly the most pivotal part of the dy to do that thing of...oh, yeah, getting your life in order smongst the fresh morning breeze. So here's what I do during the morning, and I consider vital.

After the Snooze:
So let;s face it, I hit that snooze button a couple hndred times before I finally roll of bed However, instead of getting out, to slowly wake myself up, I consider it important to stretch. I then like to go an open my curtains, and the windows before heading back to the confrot of my bed...then I mediate.

I hold my hand up, as one of those people who admits that with such a frantic mind, I couldn't imagine myself sitting, not moving, and well...that really. And then I found this app called 'headspace' (there's also a good one called Mind) but I prefer headspace, and guess what? It's only 10 minutes. Quick. Simply. Easy...and effective. I actually have anohter post coming up on the effectiveness of mediation, so follow me here, for an update on that!

So, we;ve obviously skipped the whole brushing teeth, shower etc. And breakfast...aah that main meal! I'm pretty boring and like to keep it simple with a cup of tea, and weetabix. But whatever flaots your boat! (apart from chocolate...bad idea.) While having my breafast, this is when we check the phone..for not only messages because let's face it, a friend could be aving a wquarter-life crisis, but to check the news. For me, checking the news is so bloody important. One I found recently is TheSkimm which is a wuick fix, but is catered more towards worldly/american news, while for news about Britain, I like to read Huffingtonpost/The Guardian for a quick fix!

Podcasts are a great way to start the morninga sa n alternative to music. If you want a post on thedifferent podcasts I listen to, just let me know, but commenting below!! There are lots to suit your wants.

Comment below what your morning routine consists of! I would love to know.

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